Thursday, May 24, 2007

Tues, May 29, 7:45 pm San Fran. Event

Next Tuesday, May 29, I'm inviting all of you who live anywhere in or around the Bay Area of San Francisco to come join me at the One Taste Urban Retreat Center for an evening of Expanded Lovemaking:

In this evening of “Expanded Rapture”, you will enter the world of expanded relating, in order to experience: * Shifting into your “expanded lover” in just moments – and attracting your partner to go there with you. * Giving and receiving a present, orgasmic touch, from the first moment of contact, for as long as the two of you connect. Light touching of faces, hands, and hugging.

Singles or couples are welcome, with optional partner switching for the experiential portion.

7:45pm - 9:45pm $15.

Here is the link for finding out further information;

I hope to see as many of us there as we can, for having fun, building energy and sharing love!


Copyright 2007 Patricia H. Taylor, PhD. All Rights Reserved.



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